Since many moving services, including ours, charge by the hour, people often wonder what they can do to make the most of the time they have budgeted us for. Keep reading to learn a few ways you can make sure your move goes smoothly and quickly, so that you can get the most out of our moving services.
- Pack efficiently. Lighter boxes may be easier to carry, but they require more trips back and forth. Make sure you pack your boxes as densely as you can to minimize the time spent taking things to the truck as well as the space your boxes take up in the truck.
- Deconstruct bigger furniture first. If you have any cumbersome furniture like bed frames or desks that can be disassembled, consider doing so. This ensures your furniture can be moved quicker and takes up less space in the truck, which leaves more space for the rest of your things.
- Arrange boxes strategically. Think of what you want packed into the truck first — do you want furniture and then boxes? The answers to these questions will inform how you arrange your belongings when it comes time to move them. If you want, say, your bed out first, make sure you’ve placed the frame and mattress in an easily accessible place with a clear line out the door. This allows us to spend less time uncovering the things you want put in first, and more time actually moving what you need us to.
If you have any questions for best practices to make your moving process as quick and efficient as possible, we will be happy to help! Give us a call today to learn more about our moving services.