When picking out which moving company’s services to use, one of the less-considered factors is whether to go with a small moving company or a big one. Big moving companies have the benefit of more employees and more resources, of course. But small moving companies have a lot of advantages over their bigger counterparts.
- A personalized experience. As a small moving company, we’re more flexible. We can tailor our services to the needs of your individual moving situation far easier than a large company would be able to. It might be easier for us to move around your schedule or accommodate any special needs you or your belongings have in a way that a big company might not be able to.
- More familiar with the area. A small moving company like ours will have local movers who will be familiar with the local area. We know the best routes to take to keep your belongings safe and get them to their destination in a timely manner.
- You’re treated like family. After completing a move with a large company, you’ll probably never see your movers again. But with McMinn Moving N More, we’re all from the McMinn County area, so we’re your neighbors! We’re proud to serve the local community, and we’ll give you the same attention and care that we would give to our own families.
Above all, we want to provide the people in our community with the best service we possibly can — and because we run our business with a small, efficient team, we’re able to do just that. Contact us today to get a moving quote.